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꿈꾸는 삶/영어공부

Wonder - Part Seven MIRANDA




[ Camp Lies ]
blurt 불쑥 내뱉다 Then one day I blurted out that I had a little brother who was deformed.
Et cetera 등등 ※ etc 가 요거의 약자인 줄 처음 알았네


[ School ]
badmouth 않좋게 말하다 Ella and I badmouthed her to each other: She's such a prude, she's to this, she's to that.
prude 내숭떠는 사람
geek 괴짜 "Cafeful you don't turn into a drma geek."
sympathetic 동정어린, 호의적인 Not the most sympathetic dude in the world, but very cute.
totem 토템 Very high up on the totem pole.
varsity 대학의 A varsity jock.
run off 복사하다 Then one day I got to theater class a little early, and Davenport asked me to run off additional copies of the play the was planning on having us do for the spring production: The Elephant Man.
production 생산량, 영화, 작품
xerox 복사하다, 복사기의 상품명 I'd heard about it but I didn't really know what it was about, so I started skimming through the pages while I was waiting for the xerox machine.

※ 우리는 제록스가 복사기 회사 이름인줄로만 알고 있는데, 인도 있을때 복사하다라는 뜻으로 제록스라는 단어를 많이 쓰는걸 봤다. 아마도 제록스 머신이 하도 많이 쓰이니까, 그 단어 자체가 동사로도 쓰이는 듯 하다.
hit too close to home 남일 같지 않다, 정곡을 찌르는 I told him when I got back to class, and I thold hime why: my little brother has a birth defect and has a deformed face and this play would hit too cloase to hoom.


[ What I Miss Most ]
pathetic 불쌍한, 한심한 How pathetic that I felt safer in someone else's house than in my own, right?
    His parents have always been so protective of him.

그의 부모님은 항상 그를 매우 보호해 주셨다. (애지중지했다.)
    Feel free to call me whenever you want, okay, Auggie?

※ feel free...직역하면 매우 이상하지만, 의역하면 참 괜찮은 듯한 단어. 실생활에서 아주 자주 쓰인다.


[ Extraordinary, but No One There to See ]
extraordinary 기이한, 보기드문 Extraordinary, but no one there to see.
잘 해낼 자신이 있지만 보러와줄이가 없다.

※ 대충은 알겠는데 정확하게 뭘까 싶어서 번역본을 찾아봤다.
의역을 좀 했네.
be on call 비상시를 위해 대기 중 Neither my mother nor my father could come see the play on opening night: my mother because she had this thing at work, and my dad because his new wife was going to have her baby any second now, and he had to be on call.

※ neither ~ nor ~ 얼마나 낯설고 안써지는 문구인지~
give a choice 선택을 하게 하다 Given a choice, she chose the crowd.
aisle 통로 That's when I saw Auggie walking down the aisle with Isabel and Nate.
pace 서성거리다 I saw Justin pacing off stage left, mumbling his lines nervously.
jitter 신경과민 It's just last-minute jitters...."
restrain 저지하다, 억누르다 Danvenport took a deep breath, like he was trying to restrain himself.
explode 터지다, 폭발하다 To be truthful, I thought he looked like he was going to explode.
swift 신속한 "What?" said David, who wasn't too swift.
catch on to ~을 알아듣다 The other kids had caught on to what was happening and gatherd around/
peel off 옷을 벗다 I ran backstage to the dressing room as quickly as I could and started peeling off my costume.


[ The Performance ]
wreck 난파선, 망가뜨리다 Davenport was a wreck, frankly.
솔직히, 다벤포트는 망가져 있었다.

※ 자기땜에 거의 멘붕상태였다는 뜻인듯 ㅋ
frankly 솔직히
bittersweet 씁쓸하면서도 달콤한 That, I admit, was a little bittersweet for me.
mayhem 대혼란 It was that crazy backstage theater mayhem where sweaty actors stand euphoric while people come worship them for a few seconds.
euphoric 큰 기쁨의



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