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꿈꾸는 삶/영어공부

Wonder - Part Six AUGUST




[ North Pole ]
dioramas 입체모형 It was the same setup as the Egyptian Museum back in December, except this time there were volcanoes and molecule dioramas on the tables insted of pyramids and pharaohs.
all at once 한꺼번에 That was the first time I had to face the parents all at once.

※ all at once 한꺼번에 / at once 즉시
put up 짓다 They put up our artwork in the hallways all over the school and had the parents come and check it out.
unsuspecting 의심없는 It was like starting school all over again, having unsuspecting adults pass me on the stairway.
drizzling 보슬비 It's like when you go outside and it's drizzling a little.
like seeks like 유유상종 I guess it's true that like seeks like, said mom.


[ The Auggie Doll ]
big cheese 중요인물 You stink, big cheese!
snitch 일러바치다(비격식) Summer thought we should report the notes to Ms.Rubin, who was the middle-school dean, or even Mr.Tushman, but we thought that would be like snitching.
gross 중대한 She had really gross habits, like eating the green stuff in between her toes and sucking on her knuckles.
play tricks on 골탕먹이다 They didn't play tricks on me, I think, because they knew that if they got caught "bullying" me, it would be big-time trouble for them.
buying into 믿다 It was starting to feel like the majority of boys weren't buying into Julian anymore.
jump ship 속해있던 그룹에서 빠져나감 At that point, any boys who had still been on his side now jumped ship and were clearly neutral.
cringe 움츠리다 No one really cringes if I bump into them anymore, and people borrow my penciles without acting like the pencil has cooties.
cootie 세균
hearing aids 보청기 Also, people have been really nice about the hearing aids I started wearing.


[ Lobot ]
lobot 블루투스 기기를 들고 다니는 사람 ※ 첨엔 얼핏보고 로보트의 그 로봇인줄....그건 스펠링이 다른 것을~ robot
exaggerate 과장하다 Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.
whine 징징거리다 "I can't were that, Mom," I whined.
jut 돌출하다, 튀어나오다 All I saw were these tubes jutting out from either side of my head-like antennas.


[ Hearing Brightly ]
Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing.
웃기지, 가끔 엄청나게 고민했던 일이 아무것도 아니라는걸 알게된단 말이지.

※ 학창시절에 꼭 마음에 새기고 있어야 할 말인듯하다. 자잘하고 소소하지만 엄청난 스트레스를 주던 일들이 졸업과 동시에 아무것도 아닌게 되어버리는 일들이 참 많다는거~ 그러니 스트레스 받지 말자는거~~~


[ Via's Secret ]
moody 기분변화가 심한 My bionic Lobot ears could hear Mom saying: "But what is with you lately, Via? You're moody and taciturn and secretive..."
taciturn 뚱한


[ My cave ]
accusing 비난하는 듯한 "You'd get totally bored," said Via, like she was accusing me of something.
retard 저능아 "Stop treating me like a baby! I'm not retarded! I know what's going on!"


[ Goodbye ]
    "Not everything in the world is about you, Auggie!"

※ 예전부터 아픈 아이보다 아픈 아이의 형제자매가 더 불쌍하다고 하는 말이 있었다. 비아를 보니 그 말이 생각나네.
pant 헐떡이다 She was panting a lot, like she'd been runing in the park.
whimper 낑낑거림 "She just started whimpering all of a sudden," said Via, kneeling down next to Mom.
vet 수의사 "The vet'll make her better, right?" I said.
suffer 고통받다 "We don't want her to suffer, Auggie," She said.
droopy 축늘어진 "Okay, Auggie, open the door for me, sweetie?" said Mom, picking Daisy up very gently like she was a huge droopy baby.


[ Daisy's Toys ]
nip 할퀴다, 꼬집다 "It was just a nip," said Via.


[ Understudy ]
come in handy 쓸모가 있다 In situations like these, baseball caps come in really handy.
understudy 대역 "She's an understudy," said Mom.
lurch 휘청하다 "Oh my God!" said Mom, lurching forward in her seat.


[ The Ending ]
give away 정보를 누설하다 I don't want to give away the ending, but it's the kind of ending that makes people in the audience teary.
rolling down 눈물이 뺨에 흘러내리다 I could see them rolling down her cheeks.
rise to their feet 일어서다 Via and Justin were the last ones out, and when they appeared, the whole audience rose to their feet.
standing ovation 기립박수 "It's a standing ovation," said Mom, getting up.
suffocate 질식사하다 She was hugging Via so hard I thought Via would suffocate, but Via was laughing.
dry eye 안구건조 "There wan't a dry eye in the house," said Dad.



'꿈꾸는 삶 > 영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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