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꿈꾸는 삶/영어공부

Olive Green English B2 SCENE 37~42




SCENE 37 마틴과 베아트리스


You wouldn't know where I put the god damn invoices for Brian Davidson, would you?

invoice : 송장

god damn : 짜증날때 덧붙이는 말


Be amazed.

be amazed : 짜잔~, 놀랄 준비해


In this very drawer you'll find all the invoices from the last 6 months - sorted in chronological order.

in this very drawer : 명사 앞에 very 를 쓰면 '바로' 라는 뜻으로 해석 됨  ex) very book 바로 그 책

sort : 분류하다, 구분하다

in chronoligical order : 시간 순으로


You'll be running this place in no time!

in no time : 곧, 당장에

run : 운영하다


Now, there's one more place I want you to stop by before lunch.

stop by : 잠깐 들르다 = drop by


Lovely flowers!

lovely : 훌륭한, 멋진


They'll look astonishing on the dining table of the rish old farts from the manor!

astonishing : 믿을 수 없는, 놀라운. 긍정의 뜻으로 많이 씀

old fart : 노친네, 노인네. 어르신을 낮춰서 쓰는 뉘앙스

manor : 저택


The rish old farts from the manor couldn't care less about flowers.

couldn't care less = can't care less = no interested : 신경 쓸 필요도 없다고 생각하다


They say they look pretentious.

pretentious : 가식적인, 허세부리는


Why did they hire you if they don't like flowers?

hire : 고용하다


I do it for fun.

for fun : 재미로


This place is excruciationly boring.

excruciatingly = very painful : 어마어마하게, 견딜 수 없이 (부정의 느낌)


The daughter of the stinking rish old farts from the Manor.

stinking rich : 엄청나게 돈이 많은, 더럽게 돈 많은. 이런 뜻으로는 rich 앞에만 씀

stink : 원래 뜻은 더럽다 등 부정적 뜻 ex) Your feet stink 너 발냄새 나


It'd be inhumane.

inhumane : 비인간적 (발음주의! 인휴메인)


How about you and I go for a drive?

go for a drive : 드라이브하러 가다



SCENE 38 공원 나들이


Superb vintage!

superb = very very good

vintage : 클래식. 오래된 만큼 가치있는


Has an exquisite taste!

exquisite : 정말 마음에 드는, 굉장히 좋은


And a perfect addition to seafood and quality cheeses.

addition to ~ : ~에 곁들이다

quality cheeses : 품질이 좋은 치즈 (quality 양질의 라는 형용사로 쓰임)


I happen to have some cheese crackers.

happen to ~ : 우연이 동시에 어떤 일이 생기다, 마침 ~ 하다 ex) I happen to meet him


Can't they chip in to pay for your studies?

chip in : 돈을 조금씩 보태다, 각출하다


Whatever money they lay their hands on they just waste on booze!

lay one's hans on : ~을 손에 넣다

waste on : ~에 낭비하다 (spend on : ~에 쓰다)

booze : 술의 비속어


Pretty messed-up people if you ask me.

messed-up people : 망쳐진 사람들

if you ask me = in my opinion : 내 생각에


My dad - the head of the local fox hunting association and my mum...

head : 책임자, 리더


Her sole concern is keeping her face wrinkle-free so that she looks stunning.

sole : 유일한, 단 하나의

stunning : 와~ 놀라운~. 근사한, 놀라운 아름다움


They seem mental all right!

memtal : 영국에서 crazy 대신 씀

all right : 문장 뒤에 쓰면 확실함을 강조함


But they did produce an okay-ish daughter.

okay-ish : ish는 대략, 즈음 이라는 뜻. 여기서는 '괜찮은' 정도로 해석


Acceptably pretty, not too stupid, slightly weird, though.

acceptably : 받아줄만하게, 무난하게

though : 문장 끝에 붙을때 '그런데' 정도로 해석됨. 문장 앞에서는 '그럼에도 불구하고'


There's nothing to be afraid of!

be afraid of : ~을 두려워하다


One thing you should bear in mind if you want to see me again : never push it!

bear in mind : 뭔가를 기억하다, 고려하다 = keep in mind

never push it : 선을 넘지마


I won't! Ever!

ever = never again : 다시는. 앞에 not 을 썼기 때문에 never 보다는 ever 가 적당함


What if next time the conditions are more favourable?

what if ~ : ~면 어쩌지?

favourable : 유리한


That was way out of line!

out of line : 도를 넘다 = cross the line

way : 강조할 때 사용 ex) That's too far -> That's way too far


It's not how these things are done in Campbell Manor.

these things : 애정표현을 우회적으로 표현


Stick around lone enough and you may find out!

stick around = stay here : 좀 더 있어봐

find out : 정보 따위를 알게 되다



SCENE 39 반항


You're not moving out to live with a truck driver!

move out : 이사를 나가다 / move in : 이사 들어오다 / moving day : 이삿날

move in together : 동거하다


His aspirations are much higher than that!

aspiration : 목표, 하고 싶은 일 / inspiration : 영감 / 헷깔리지 말기


Bright enough to seduce and brainwash a 17-year-old girl?

seduce : 유혹하다. 부정적인 의미로 주로 쓰임 = attract : 같은 뜻이지만 긍정적

brainwash : ~을 세뇌하다


What your mother is trying to say is that we've got reasons to believe your boyfriend's got a different agenda that you think!

agenda : 속내, 숨은 의도 (hidden motive) 로 쓰임


As soon as you two start living together, God knows where, he'll get you pregnant.

god knows where : 신만 한다 = nobody knows

get ~ pregnant : 임신 시키다


By winter of next year you'll have delivered an heir to all our financial assets.

by : ~쯤에는 / by Friday : 금요일까지. 일반적으로 데드라인 표현에 by 사용

heir to : ~의 상속인

deliver a baby : 아이를 낳다 / will have + p.p : 미래완료 -> will have delivered : 아이를 낳게 될 것이다


As the father, he'll be entitled to a big share of this money!

share : 몫, 지분


Where's all this poison coming from?

poison : 끔찍한 생각 이라는 뜻으로 쓰임


Frauds, thives and other scum!

fraud : 사기꾼

scum : 형편없고, 밑바닥인 사람 / scum of the world : 세상에서 가장 나쁜 사람


Our class of people in under constant threat!

class : 계층 / middle class : 중산층 / upper class : 상류층

be under threat : 위협을 받다  ex) You're under arrest 당신은 체포됐어


You're not of legal age!

be of legal age : 성년


So we don't permit your moving out or even seeing that man.

see : 보다 뿐 아니라 만나다 라는 뜻으로 쓸 수 있음  ex) I'm seeing someone.


In a couple of months... suit yourself!

in a couple of months : 몇 달 후에 

suit yourself : 알아서해, 좋을대로 해


Is that it?

Is that it? = Is that all? : 끝났어?


You and your mother are about to go away for some time.

for some time : 얼마 동안, 한동안


Before you abandon us, I want to have you for myself for a few months.

abandon : 버리다

have you for(to) myself : 당신을 독차지 하고 싶다


So that by the time I'm 18 you'll have been trying to change my mind about Martin for half a year?

so that : ~하기 위해서

will have been ~ing : 미래 완료 진행 -> you'll have been trying


What is half a year for people so committed to their relationship?

committed to : ~에 헌신하다

what is a half year : 6개월이 뭐 대수라고


You won't separate me from Martin!

separate ~ from : 갈라놓다


Let's think : coercing an under-age girl to drink and he's been here, in the Manor, without us knowing, hasn't he?

coerce = force : 강압하다, 강제하다

underage : 미성년자의 / minor : 미성년자들


Perhaps some property was stolen on the occasion.

property : 재산

on the occasion : ~했을 때


We really should look into this, shouldn't we?

look into : 조사하다


But one I'm back, that'll be the last time you see me!

once + S + V : 일단 ~했을 때



SCENE 40 결혼통보


...are pleased to announce that on December 7th Beatrice Campbell, daughter of Stephen and Sophie Campbell, is to marry Robert Murray, age 26, junior partner at Mackenzie law firm.

Stephen : 스테판 아님. 스티븐 이라고 읽어야 함

is to = be going to


What's that rubbish?

rubbish = nonsense : 쓰레기 같은, 허튼 소리


This crappy trip will not change a thing!

crappy = rubbishy : rubbish 와 비슷한 뜻으로 쓰임. 영국에서 주로 씀


It's just a crappy scheme my parents came up with!

scheme : 책략, 계략

come up with : ~을 내놓다, 생각해내다


And now she's getting married?

get married to : ~와 결혼하다


I never wanted to bring this up when you two were dating, but, realistically speaking.

bring ~ up : ~에 대한 말을 꺼내다

realistically speaking : 현실적으로 말해서 / frankly speaking : 솔직히 말해서 / technically speaking 엄밀히 말해서


She shouldn't get involved with a guy like me?

get involved with : ~와 엮이다 / be involved in : ~에 연루되다


No money, no education, child of worthless working class parents?

working class : 노동자 계층 / lower class 로도 사용 가능하지만 working class 더 많이 씀


She was above that kind of bullshit!

be above : 뛰어넘다

bullshit : 약자 BS로도 씀. 허튼소리라는 슬랭


With some time on her hands, maybe she thought this through...

on one's hands : 수중에

think though : 충분히 생각하다


And fell for a hotshot lawyer!

fall for : ~에게 홀딱 빠지다 ex) fall in love

hotshot : 유능한, 수완있는, 잘나가는


I can't bloody believe it!

bloody : 영국에서 강조하기 위해 자주 쓰는 표현


It's pointless!

pointless : 무의미한


Let her be!

let someone be : 내버려 두다



SCENE 41 길 위의 난투극


I presume?

presume : ~을 가정하다, 추정하다 / assume은 비슷하지만 딱히 근거없는 추측


There, there boy!

there, there : 자, 자, 이런 식으로 누군가를 달랠 때


You shouldn't have tried to hit me!

should + have + P.P. : ~했었어야 한다


I guess it's the position you're well accustomed to, huh?

be accustomed to : ~에 익숙하다. be used to 보다 공식적인 자리에서 사용


In fact, that's the root of the problem, isn't it?

root : 뿌리, 기원, 핵심 / root cause : 근원 / root out : 뿌리뽑다


Your desire to climb up.

climb up : ~에 오르다 

social ladder : 신분 상승 / glass ceiling : 유리천장


But Beatrice will not help you cut corners!

cut corners : 절차나 원칙 따위를 무시하다 / take a short cut : 지름길을 택하다


We're expecting a baby!

We're expecting = She's pregnant = She's carrying : 임신했다


I do understand that there was some infatuation between the two of you, but please understand : it is over!

infatuation : 사랑의 열병


Beatrice and I are getting married soon and I'll provide the baby with the best possible conditions.

provide A with B : A에게 B를 제공하다 / breadwinner = provider


This can't be true!

This must be true <> This can't be true



SCENE 42 보복 계획


Accomplished what he's been planning all along!

accomplishe : 목표나 임무 따위를 완성하다, 성취하다 ex) mission accomplished!

all along : 내내, 죽


I just wish I'd recognized sooner how vile he is.

I wish 주어 had P.P. : ~했더라면 좋았을텐데

vile : 끔찍하고 사악한, 비도덕적인


I could have tried harder to save her!

could have P.P. : ~할 수 있었는데


What are you suggesting?

suggest : 암시하다


Now there is no-one to stop him from stealing her money.

stop A from ~ing : A가 ~하는 것을 막다


Bit by bit, one legal trick after another....

bit by bit : 조금씩

one after another : 차례로


And forgive me for saying this, but you went bonkers when you lost her to him.

forgive me for saying this : 이런 말 하기 미안하지만

go bonker = go crazy : 제정신이 아닌. 약간 유치한 영국식 표현


I'd rather you came back here so I can help you stand on your own two feet.

I'd rather = I would rather : 차라리 ~ 하는게 좋겠다

stand on your own (two) feet : 자립하다


I've been taking night shifts and studying during the day, you know, keeping myself busy.

take night shifts : 야간 근무를 하다

during the day : 낮에는

keep oneself busy : 바쁘게 지내다


I'm glad you're picking up the pieces.

pick up the pieces : 사태를 수습하다, 정상으로 돌아가다


To take on a man like Murray, one needs enormous funds and some leverage.

take on : ~와 시합을 하다, 겨루다

leverage : 영향력, 수단


This doesn't sound sane.

sound : ~처럼 들리다

sane : 제정신인 / insane : 미친


There is no need for that! 그럴 필요 없어


I don't need your help! Or anyone else's, for that matter.

for that matter : 그 문제에 대해서는. 연결된 두 문장 후에 쓰임


Have you lost your marbles, boy? Over a girl?

lost our marbles : 분별을 잃다

over : ~때문에


Pull yourself together and get back here!

pull yourself together : 기운을 되찾다, 냉정해지다


If only.....

if only : ~였다면 좋았을 텐데 / if only + S + V



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