꿈꾸는 삶/영어공부

미국적인 너무나 미국적인 영어회화 이디엄

반짝반짝그녀 2021. 12. 15. 23:52

Lesson 1

To by broke : 빈털터리다, 돈이 없다
   ex) We're broke! 우리 빈털터리야

To not have two nickels to rub togegher : 아주 가난하다, 돈이 없다
   ex) We don't have two nickels to rug together. 우리는 정말 돈이 하나도 없어. 

To go on a Starbucks run : 스타벅스에 가서 커피 등을 사다
   ex) I'm going on a Starbucks run; does anyone want anything? 나 지금 스타벅스 가는데, 뭐 마시고 싶은 사람?

To get a grip on : (힘든 상황이 닥쳤을 때) 침착하게 문제를 파악하고 해결 방법을 찾기 시작하다
   ex) We really need to get a grip on our finances. 우린 정말 재정 상태를 제대로 파악해야 해.

A clunker : 고물차, 고물기계
   ex) My first car was a real clunker. 내 첫번째 차는 정말 고물이었어.

Low-hanging fruit : 가장 풀기 쉬운 문제, 달성하기 쉬운 목표
   ex) I'm going after the low-hanging fruit for now. 우선 가장 달성하기 쉬운 것부터 할래.


Lesson 2

To figure out : ~을 이해하다, 알아내다
   ex) I'm trying to figure out how to solve this math problem. 난 이 수학문제를 어떻게 푸는지 알아내려고 해.

To be/get in over one's head : ~가 감당할 수 없는 일을 하는 상태에 있다
    ex) It seems like I'm in over my head. 나한테는 좀 벅찬 것 같아.
    ex) Whenever I listen to music, I try to figure out understand what the lyrics mean, but It seems like I'm in over my head.

To put someone down : ~를 깎아내리다
    ex) He's always putting me down. 그는 항상 날 깎아내려.

To put up with : (불쾌한 일 따위를) 참고 받아들이다
    ex) I can't put up with that anymore. 나 더 이상 못 참아.
    ex) I can't put up with my husband puts me down when we play video game.

To work ~ out : (두 사람 사이의 어떤 문제가) 해결되다
    ex) You guys should work it out. 너희들 그런 문제는 해결해야지.
    ex) Don't worry. It'll be work it out.

To look up to someone : ~를 존경하다, 우러러보다
    ex) You know I look up to you so much, don't you? 내가 엄마 완전 존경하는거 알죠?
    ex) I've been always looking up to people who can speak English fluently.


Lesson 3

One's to-do list : 해야 할 일을 적어 놓은 리스트
    ex) It's on my to-do list for this afternoon. 오늘 오후에 할거야.

It's one's baby : ~가 책임지고 해야 할 일이나 프로젝트이다
    ex) That project is really his baby. 그 프로젝트는 전적으로 그가 해야 할 일이야.
    ex) When I got a job, my husband said he'll going to lend a hand. But he's not kept his promise. Almost of housework is really my baby. So I quitted my job.

To step on someone's toes : 다른 사람이 하는 일에 끼어들거나 간섭해 그의 기분을 상하게 하다
    ex) I don't want to step on his toes. 괜히 끼어들어서 그의 기분을 상하게 하고 싶지 않아.

To lend a hand : 도와주다
    ex) I'll be happy to lend a hand. 내가 도와줄게.

To be beyond one's compass : 일이 너무 많거나 어려워서 버겁다
    ex) It seems that it's beyond his compass. 그 일은 그에게 너무 버거워 보여.
    ex) I'm so busy nowadays. All my family want me to lend a hand. But my to-do list is beyond my compass!


Lesson 4

To hand in there : (힘든 상황을) 견뎌내다 / (역경에도 굴하지 않고) 버티다
     ex) Hang in there. It's almost done. 조금만 참아. 거의 다 끝났어.
     ex) When I broght my kids to dentist, I used to say them, "Hang in there. It's nothing.". But when I had to go dentist because of toothache, I thought about how not to go somehow.

Light-headed : 머리가 어지러운, 몽롱한
     ex) I don't know why I'm feeling light-headed now. 나 지금 왜 이렇게 어지러운지 모르겠어.
     ex) I have low blood pressure. So when I get up suddenly, I often feel light-headed.

Right off the bat : 즉시
     ex) They fell in love with each other right off the bat. 그들은 즉시 서로 사랑에 빠졌다.
     ex) I paid right off the bat after consulting the dermatologist.

A rip-ff : 바가지
     ex) You know what? I bought a $1,500 cell phone. Man, it was the beggest rip-off of my life. 그거 알아? 내가 1,500 달러짜리 휴대폰을 샀어. 그게 내 인생에서 가장 크게 당한 바자기였다니까.

To jack up (a price) : (가격을) 대폭 인상하다)
     ex) They're jacked up the oil prices. 주유소가 기름값을 대폭 인상했어.
     ex) I heard that Starbuck is going to jack up the coffee price soon. They explain that it's because of the coffee bean's price rise, but it seems rip-off.

Out of the blue : 갑자기, 난데없이
     ex) That is so out of the blue! 그건 너무 난데없는 얘기인데!
     ex) My husband sent big money to me out of the blue. He said he won the lotto.


Lesson 5

What's not to like? : 안 좋을게 뭐가 있겠어?
     ex) Here we are on vacation at the beach: sun, sand, and the ocean breeze! What's not to like?
          드디어 여기 해변가에 우리가 휴가를 왔네. 태양, 모래, 게다가 이 바다에서 부는 산들바람! 안 좋을게 없어.

To fish something out : (~안에서) ~을 꺼내다/찾아내다
     ex) Can you fish my sunscreen out? 내 선크림 좀 꺼내줄래?
     ex from Wonder) I fish a dollar out of my pocket and watch him cross the street to the grocery store on the corner.
     ex from Wonder) There's an awkward silence and then she starts fishing through her bag and pulls out her wallet.
     ex from Wonder) I opened it up and fished inside until I found what I was looking for.

To be pulling someone's leg : ~를 놀리다/농담하다
     ex) I'm just pulling your leg. 그냥 농담 한번 해 봤어.

To be joshing : ~를 놀리다/농담하다
     ex) Stop joshing. 그만 놀려.

To be jonesing for (=To be dying for) : 엄청나게 ~하고 싶다/~하고 싶어 죽겠다
     ex) I'm kind of jonesing for something sweet. 나 단게 엄청 땡겨.
     ex) When I'm stressed, I'm kind of jonesing for something sweet.
     ex) I'm dying for hot coffee every morning.

To be on it : 당장 그 일을 하다/신속히 끝내다
     ex) I'm on it. 당장 할게.


Lesson 6

To spill the beans : (의도치 않게) 비밀을 누설하다
     ex) Did he ask you not to spill the beans or what? 그가 비밀을 누설하지 말라고 부탁이라도 했어요?
     ex) I won't spill the beans about the party. 파티에 대해선 아무말도 하지 않을게.
     ex) One of my friend has a big mouth. She often spill the beans in other people's secrets.

To crack (someone) up : (누군가를) 몹시 웃기다/몹시 웃기 시작하다
     ex) I'm sorry, but it cracks me up to just think about the silly mistake Jack maid last week. 미안해요, 잭이 지난주에 했던 바보 같은 실수를 생각만 해도 웃음이 나와요.
     ex) The whole audience cracked up. 관중 전체가 엄청 웃었어.

From the get-go : 처음부터
     ex) If you had told me about it from the get-go, we could've prevented this problem. 처음부터 그것에 대해 말해주었다면, 우리가 이 문제를 막을 수 있었을 거에요.
     ex) It was a howling success from the get-go. 시작부터 대성공이었어.
     ex) My new part-time-job is so interesting from the get-go.

To lose face : 체면을 잃다
     ex) He lost face because of the other mistake he had made last time. 잭이 지난주에 했던 또 다른 실수 때문에 체면을 구겼어요.
     ex) When I failed the certification test, I losted face.

To save face : 체면을 살리다/창피를 면하다
     ex) I was just trying to save face for him. 내가 잭의 체면을 좀 세워주려고 했어요.
     ex) But I challenged once more, passed the test, and only then I could save face.

Not one's cup of tea : 취향이 아님
     ex) Gossiping is not my cup of tea. 가십은 내 취향이 아니에요.
     ex) Champagne is my cup of tea. 샴페인은 완전 내취향이야.
     ex) Onion bread is my cup of tea.


Lesson 7

To hang on a second : 잠깐 기다리다
     ex) Hang on a sec, Dave, let me just send this email quickly.  잠시만, 데이브, 지금 이 이메일만 빨리 보내고.

To have got to run : 가 봐야 하다
     ex) I've gotta run, I'm late!  저 가야해요, 늦었어요!

To put one's John Hancock on something : 서류에 ~의 서명을 하다
     ex) Yup, I put my John Hancock on it last night.  그래, 어젯밤에 사인했어.

Cool beans! : 좋았어!

To hang out with someone : ~와 함께 시간을 보내다
     ex) I'm gonna hang out with some of those kids at the coffee shop.  카페에서 아이들이랑 만날거에요.


Lesson 8

To drop the ball : 실수로 망치다
     ex) I'm so relieved we didn't drop the ball on the last project of the year.  우리가 올해 마지막 프로젝트를 망치지 않아서 얼마나 다행인지 몰라.
     ex) We completely droped the ball on this presidential election.

To get the hang of it : 감을 잡다/요령을 익히다
     ex) I thought he got the hang of it.  난 그가 일에 좀 익숙해졌다고 생각했는데.
     ex) From the begining, it was difficult for me to work in Cafe. But now, I get the hang of it.

To play it by ear : (계획을 안 세우고) 상황 봐 가면서 하다
     ex) I guess that's why no one wanted to play it by ear this time.  내 생각엔 아마 그래서 이번에는 모두 대충하려고 하지 않았던 것 같아.

To add up : 말이 되다/앞뒤가 맞다
     ex) What's more, a couple of things in his answer to the CEO's question didn't add up.  게다가, 사장님께서 하신 질문에 대한 그의 답변 중 몇몇은 앞뒤가 맞지 않았어.

To give it to someone straight : ~에게 직설적으로 말하다
     ex) I know Jamie, and if she doesn't like it, she would give it to you straight.  내가 제이미를 잘 아는데, 걔는 자기가 싫으면 솔직하게 말해주는 사람이야.
     ex) When I was young, I used to give it to people straight. But as I got older, I changed.

